Saturday, June 4, 2011

Don't Smart Me With Your Facts: Reverse-Engineering A Revolution

 from the book "Ga$Holez: The MIND/MOTOR Connection"(tm) series system by Edward James Balboa
content protected  2011 Stallion Entertainment 

I love exotic cars. 

Fast cars. Hot cars. Cars that turn heads.  Cars that run on Testosterone and Spotted Owl tears. 

Cars that get me laid.

I’ve owned big-block Camaros, 200mph Lamborghinis and Starsky & Hutch Torinos.  12-cylinder Jaguars, A-Team Shaggin-Wagons and clothing-optional  limosuines.

To me, cars represent freedom. Freedom  to go where I want, when I want, with who I want anytime I want.  What I choose to drive reflects my personality, my social status.  It's a carefully chosen extension of myself, who I am.
Or at least who I think you think I am.

I think.

And don't think I think  all those jokes about  midlife crises and little dicks hold water.  Sports cars take off 10 years and add 3 inches, so I'm good.

I think.

I love the way rolling up in a really cool car makes me feel.
But I don't have a clue on how to work on one. I'll get back to this in a minute.

Fast forward to a couple months ago.  Economy in the dumper,  gas prices are spaceballs and I'm at this strip mall selling my plasma for gas money.  No Blood For Oil?  Yeah, right.

The nurse sucks.  Literally.  Her  haphazard poking and pumping was worse than a Craigslist hooker. So  while she's there pulling the perfect pint of red I'm feeling myself deflating, drying up, like the life is literally being sucked out of me.  

I'm  feeling  lightheaded. Dizzy.    Just coherent enough to be dangerous. It was in this  historic moment of half-conciousness that a quart-low Dipstick  came up with a completely unorthodox approach to fuel economy that would become the blueprint for this book.
Or maybe I'm thinking of  the flux capacitor. I am SOOO rich in the future ;P
Never one to be influenced by conventional wisdom,   the idea was to start saving  gas by declaring war on inefficiency, to root out evil  to the nth degree, to  put EVERYTHING that used fuel under a microscope and do a rooter-to-the-tooter search for the "holes"  where my  gas money is disappearing.

I had gone ANAL for Ga$Holez. 

Why the puckered sphincter?  The a-ha moment at the blood bank awakened me to a simple truth:  

Cars don't use gas.

YOU USE GAS.  Think about it. 

Dude, I just totally blew your mind.

Ga$Holez teaches you over 100 revolutionary,  wholistic approaches to mile-maxxing by   eliminating waste in places you'd never think to look.   With a fine tooth comb I began to plug up these  energy leaks, each small, simple change rewarded by an efficiency uptick, not much by itself, but working together the nickels & dimes EXPLODED into tens, twenties, hundreds in fuel savings. It was like a snowball rolling down a mountain, barely noticable at first, slowly gaining momentum, growing bigger more formidable with  each tiny  tweak.      

And here's the kicker: Most of what I did didn't cost a thing.  I barely even got my hands dirty. That's the coolest thing about GA$HOLEZ-For the most part you really don't need any mechanic-type skills to do it. It really is different from anything you've seen before. 

I'm going to show you EXACTLY what I'm talking about STEP BY STEP. That, and  my own Fantastic Voyage into my dirty Ga$Holez are chronicled in the pages to come. You'll also meet a panel of "GuestPerts," engineering eggheads who back my smack.
Nothing I’m about to share with you is radically new.  Or gimmicky.  Or  bullshit. 
It's all based on solid, pubished science that anyone can do RIGHT NOW to dramatically reduce your fuel costs for little or NO MONEY.   

And  you've gotta admit  it's got a  pretty catchy name.
I can brag about this program cuz everything I'm hawking's been checked and double-checked by people waaay smarter than me. I'm convinced that what you're holding here is  more than just a how-to book.

It's freedom. 

Let's get started.
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from the "Ga$Holez: The MIND/MOTOR Connection"(tm) series system by Edward James Balboa
content protected 2011 Stallion Entertainment

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